Personal demons

Think about something uncomfortable. Oh, you don’t want to? That’s the whole point. When you start digging into your thoughts you are bound to find stuff that you have intentionally wanted to forget. You might want to sharpen your emotional skills to be able to deal with these better. If you meet some serious dragons, we are starting to talk about therapy here. I don’t want to claim that you should try to fix yourself. Better do that with a help of a professional.

All the demons, big or small, are blocking your thoughts. They can be easy ones, like some bad memory from your childhood where some helpful adult told you how bad you are at something like math, drawing, athletics or whatever. You have associated so much bad feelings to the subject that you have stopped progressing in it. How could you get better at math if you start feeling bad from just the thought of doing it?

Mind mapping can help you sort out your thoughts and feelings in a couple of different ways. First, you can map out where the problems are, and avoid them or learn to better live with them. Denying the issues and wiping them under the carpet rarely is a very durable solution. Secondly, writing things down can help you distance yourself from those memories, to get a more objective view by looking at them from the outside. Finally, you can more easily discover repeating thought patterns, circular logic, and gaps and omissions in your internal arguments.