Leveraging Personal Organisation with Digital Mind Maps

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing a guest webinar at Biggerplate Business Club, with the topic Leveraging Personal Organization with Digital Mind Maps – Software Engineer’s View. The webinar was recorded, and you can watch the video in full here at mindonmaps.com. I hope enjoy it! 0:00 – Welcome by Liam Hughes / Biggerplate […]

The mind map palace — from single maps to a mind map network

Linking digital mind maps together into a connected network brings with it a range of possibilities. You’re missing out a lot if you’re only looking at your maps as separate entities.

Mind on maps paperback books

Mind on maps now available as a paperback

The Kindle e-book version of Mind on Maps has already been out for a while now. Now there’s a paperback version as well! You’ll find them both on Amazon (link). Have you already opened the book? To know where to take it from here, I’d love to get all the feedback I can about the […]

Mind on Maps book cover

The book is here! Mind on Maps — Navigate your thoughts methodically with digital mind maps

The book is finally here. Mind on Maps — Navigate your thoughts methodically with digital mind maps. The Kindle version of Mind on Maps is already available on Amazon (link). The paperback will follow in a few weeks. Thank you all for the journey so far! I know you’re not so many reading this, but […]

The book is just around the corner

Hello dear mind mappers and thought navigators, You’ve probably been wondering what’s up with the book. Or maybe you’ve forgotten about Mind on Maps altogether — I know I almost lost faith myself at some point. It’s been a while since I’ve last posted an update about the progress, so here’s some news for you […]

Learn something new

Some people believe that learning is hard. Sure, it can be hard at times, but there are ways to make it easier. Know yourself, make a plan and immerse yourself in the subject. Make sure you have a solid idea of what learning means in the first place. And create a mind map for that. […]

New year, new maps

The time around Christmas and New Year has traditionally been a time for reflection and planning for me. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that I do it with the help of mind maps. The exact way I do my annual planning changes from year to year. I keep what works, change what doesn’t. […]

Define your future

I didn’t plan ahead much back when I was studying at university. I ended up studying computer science, even though it wasn’t my first choice. Many others were quite lost with their life plans, but some had put more thought into them than others. I started to get a bit annoyed by these people because […]

Self-biography exercise

Two acquaintances meet after years. The other one can’t remember their last meeting while the other one cheerfully says: “Oh yes, it was the Summer of 2005, we met in that cafe in London, on a Friday afternoon as I was returning home from work.  Which one reminds you of yourself? In the very first […]

Computer assisted thinking with mind maps

As I mentioned in the previous post, my focus is on personal, computer assisted thinking with mind maps. You don’t necessarily need a computer to do mind maps. You can start with pen an paper if you don’t have a suitable device or application at hand. My aim is, however, to convince you that using […]

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